You struggled to make payroll. You sacrificed time with family. You hired -- and fired -- the wrong people more times than you can count.
Today, there are 2.7 million businesses for sale, 89% of those owners won't be able to sell. Out of the 1 in 16 that do sell, 76% of owners regret selling after.
Let’s change that statistic.
We are here to make this journey as rewarding as possible for you. Our aim is to ensure a smooth transition that respects your legacy while
providing you with the financial freedom to enjoy the next phase of your life.
We bring well over three decades of hands-on experience in the industry.
Like you, we're not just a business owners; we are deeply passionate about the artistry and integrity that goes into every project.
We’re not a fund, we’re not a trade buyer, and we are here for so much more than a “transaction”. We’re looking to honor the legacy of what you’ve built.
A Safe Pair of Hands
We have bought multiple businesses in the past and know how to get deals done quickly and without stress. We are already in the industry and have built, bought and sold other companies in your market, so we are able to make decisions quickly and efficiently.
A Smooth Transition
Because we are working with you directly, you’ll avoid paying any fees to a business broker. As business owners and operators, we fully understand the importance of maintaining strict confidentiality. As experienced businesses buyers, we can take the lead in preparing all closing documents, which saves both time and money.
Your Brand, Your Legacy
We’re not a fund, we’re not a trade buyer, and we are here for so much more than a “transaction”. We’re looking to honor the legacy of what you’ve built.
Walk Away Wealthy
Get the industry information on valuation and multiples you need to understand to walk away wealthy.
Over three decades in the industry across hundreds of transactions allow us to introduce business valuations in terms that make dollars and sense to you and your retirement.
We have the detailed domain expertise to build an exit that works on your terms. Our track record includes an array of options that meet the unique needs of a highly personalized exit strategy as unique as the business you've built.
Get the information you need to understand how to maximize your business value in a sale. We've years of objective data and active industry insights allow you to sell at or above industry multiples.
We are experts and active innovators bringing over three decades of experience in the space, so when you work with us, it's a straight line from planning your exit to getting the deal done without paying fees to a broker.
And since 89% of businesses listed for sale don't sell, you'll be lucky to be one of the 11% that does.
If you own a business and are thinking about retiring, you owe it to yourself to call today. See how to walk away wealthy.
We look for businesses with a 3 year financial performance consistently demonstrating a minimum of $1.5M in Revenue and $800,000 in EBIDTA.
We are looking for businesses in the following areas:
• Essential Home Services (HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Landscaping)
• Manufacturing
• Engineering
• Construction
• E-Commerce
• Technology (includes SaaS, IT Services)
• Healthcare, Health and Wellness, Preventative Care
• Professional Services: Marketing, CPA/Bookkeeping, Staffing, Insurance
We've the data you need and information you need to understand how to walk away wealthy.